Acupuncture and Beyond

Mary incorporates all three styles of Acupuncture with Traditional Chinese medicine modalities , Gua Sha &  Cupping.  In addition, she may incorporate essential oils, Tuning forks and breathwork to create a truly personalized and integrative experience.



Have you been told that meditation would be a good way to ease your stress, but you can’t sit still enough to quiet your mind? Maybe you need a more active meditation. Something that engages your physical body, but gives your perpetual thoughts a time out. Something that can do this is Breathwork. Breathwork is an active form of meditation that swiftly brings us out of our busy minds and back into our bodies. It connects us with our heart centers, strengthens our intuition, removes emotional blocks and helps us cultivate a deeper sense of self-love.

Some of its benefits include:

Reduced stress, fear, worry, frustration

Increased energy & mental clarity

Enhanced creativity & ability to bring goals/ deep desires to fruition

Renewed sense of optimism & inner calm

Increased self-confidence & awareness

Getting you unstuck & moving you forward

Exercise for internal organs- improved digestion, better sleep, deeper breathing

Breathwork sessions are offered in either a group or one-on-one. From start to finish these sessions are 1 hour long, complete with initial intention setting, 30 minutes of active breathing set to an awesome playlist, essential oil application & a blissful post-breath rest period.



Cupping is a technique often combined with acupuncture during treatment. It involves the placement of either glass or plastic cups that create a vacuum like suction on the skin. In response to the suction, the superficial layers of connective tissue are prompted to release tension and promote flow of blood and oxygen to the area. Cupping can be useful for promoting circulation, decreasing stiffness and removing accumulated toxins that can contribute to muscle pain. It is also highly effective in treating colds and allergies.  Cupping is not painful and may feel similar to a deep massage (in certain areas).  It may leave circular marks, which will fade after a few days.


Body Gua Sha 

Gua sha is an ancient therapy that involves scraping the skin with a smooth massage tool to increase circulation. Its application activates microcirculation of the soft tissues, causing an increase in blood flow.  This restoration of blood flow pushes out the pain-inducing toxic accumulation and supplies oxygen rich blood to the area, so that tissue healing can occur. When indicated Gua sha can be a tremendous tool for working through congested areas in the body that manifest in muscle aches and pain. Gua sha may leave petechiae and bruising, which will disappear within a few days.


Essential Oils

Pure essential oils when applied topically, have potent therapeutic value. These oils are absorbed through the skin and can circulate to the brain/ nervous system, directly influencing our emotions. At Mary Heaven Acupuncture, these oils are used to calm your mind/body, decrease stress/anxiety and can enhance your overall sense of well-being. In treatment, they are applied to specific acupuncture points and reflex zones to help the body relax, unwind & heal. 


Tuning Forks 

“The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune.” – Deepak Chopra

Sound travels 4x faster through water than any other medium. The human body is 70-80% water. When sound is applied to the body via a tuning fork, the body entrains to the frequency ( vibrational signature) of the instrument. Generally speaking, disease is low vibrational and wellness is high vibrational. Sound healing can be a technique used to affected the subtle energies of the body and create shifts within the field, promoting harmony, repair and grounding. In turn, this is a perfect medium for calming the nervous system, increasing relaxation, focus, calm & clarity.